TCS Expedition Leader:
Gabriel Moreno

Originally from Costa Rica, Gabriel developed a passion for travel at a young age, and now searches the globe to discover magical moments and share them with his guests. For the past 14 years he has represented a variety of luxury brands as an ambassador and hospitality manager. Gabriel has served as staff on multiple private jet expeditions, and currently lives in Miami Beach, where he spends his free time in his home recording studio.
20 Questions with Gabriel
1. In my carry-on bag I always have organic lip balm, a toothbrush, noise-cancelling headphones, a hat and a good pair of sunglasses.
2. On my first TCS Expedition I learned the importance of being flexible when taking part in expeditionary travel. I learned how incredibly fortunate we are to visit all of these amazing destinations…and I realized the world is bigger and more spectacular than any of us could ever possibly imagine.
3. The most unique thing I have done on a TCS Expedition was watching the Naghol Land Divers of Pentecost Island in Vanuatu. The tribe danced, chanted and created an electric vibration, putting me into a trance. Every few minutes one of the men would climb up a 50-foot, hand-built wooden structure. Reaching the top, he would tie tree vines around his ankles, then he would leap off. I still get goosebumps every time I think about it!
4. A place I thought I’d dislike, but I fell in love with was Tokyo. Since it is five times bigger than NYC, I thought it would be too much asphalt, a concrete jungle. I wasn’t expecting one of the cleanest, most organized places in the world.
5. My absolute favorite hotel is this is a tough one! Too many to choose from. George V in Paris, a Four Seasons property, is unparalleled in its service. I once watched a guest spill food on his tie, a waiter swiftly came over and gently removed it, hurried out the door, and came back in under 10 minutes with the tie freshly dry-cleaned! Between their three restaurants they have five Michelin stars! And their fresh flower displays in the lobby are unlike anything I have ever seen.
6. One place I haven’t seen yet, which I’m dying to visit is a region in Northern Brazil that has always fascinated me, called Lençóis Maranhenses. The terrain looks like the moon with perfect aqua-blue ponds. I will get there!
7. The strangest food I have ever tried is Goose feet in France, horse steak in Iceland and moose lips in Russia.
8. Some of my favorite countries to eat in are Italy, of course! Thailand and Japan are some of my favorites as well.
9. The best meal I ever had was this is another tough one, because there are simply too many. Aramburu in Buenos Aires fed me one of the best meals of my life.
10. The best souvenir I ever bought myself is an intricately carved bovine skull in Bali.
11. My favorite market in the world is La Boqueria, in Barcelona. Although heavily visited, I never tire of the colorful fruit stands, and the stalls near the back have some of the rarest ingredients Spain has to offer.
12. The one place I love going back to is Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a mystical, cultural melting-pot of a city, with the Himalayas as a backdrop.
13. When I need to relax I take three long deep breaths.
14. My favorite thing to do on vacation is detach, unplug, turn the phone off, and put the alarm clock in the bottom drawer!
15. My favorite experience for guests on a TCS Expedition Seeing big smiles spread across their faces when they live out their travel dreams. If I can play a small role in making that happen, then I have done my job.
16. In my suitcase, you’d be surprised to find a massage ball. Extensive travel is taxing on the body!
17. Before I go to a country, I try to learn about the driving distances between airports and all the major sites we will visit, the current weather trends, the local music/customs/cuisines and anything that will give me an inside scoop to share with our guests.
18. The first time I traveled abroad, I went to the United States.
19. My favorite foreign language to listen to is Portuguese. With 9 vowels, the language rolls beautifully off the tongue.
20. My best piece of travel advice is An expedition is NOT a vacation. Keep your body’s battery charged! It’s OK to take a morning off. Your soul and your mind will soak up more of the experience if you are well rested.